David McMonnies


Profile details

Email: David

Managing Director and Principle

  • Masters Degree in Construction Management (UWS)
  • Grad Dip ‘Design in Bushfire Prone Areas’ (UWS)
  • FPA Australia BPAD Level 3 Accredited Practitioner
  • BPAD Accreditation No. BPAD2354
  • Certificate IV Fire Technology
  • Member NSW Association of Fire Investigators
  • Member of the Institute of Fire Engineers (Aust.)
  • Australian Fire Service Medal

NSW Rural Fire Service Qualifications:

  • Certificate of Proficiency – Group Leader
  • Certificate of Proficiency – Incident Management Team (IMT) Officer
  • Certificate of Proficiency – Crew Leader
  • Certificate of Proficiency – Rural Fire Service Instructor
  • Certificate of Proficiency – Rural Fire Service Assessor
  • Certificate of Proficiency – Advanced Firefighter
  • Certificate of Proficiency – Village Firefighter
  • Certificate of Proficiency – Basic Bush Firefighter
  • Certificate of Proficiency – Senior First Aid
  • Certificate of Proficiency – Urban Search & Rescue

David is examination qualified with The Institution of Fire Engineers to full ‘Member” level and holds a Masters Degree in Construction Management (UWS), a Graduate Diploma in Design in Bushfire Prone Areas (UWS) and is a Certified Bushfire Practitioner registered with the Fire Protection Association of Australia and the NSW Rural Fire Service who are supporters of the accreditation scheme.

David’s academic qualifications combined with over 50 years of practical fire fighting experience with NSW Rural Fire Service (much of which as an Officer) forms the basis of David’s extensive fire service and fire systems understanding. This area is then supplemented by over 35 years extensive electrical / mechanical services experience culminating many years as a Buildings / Engineering Field Officer and later as a Principal Fire Safety Officer with Telstra being responsible for all types of building fire systems over two thirds of NSW.

Experienced in sprinkler systems but specialising in “dry” systems, fire detection & warning systems, fire system / process production systems / air conditioning interfacing, fixed passive building protection, Project Management and 12 years preparing support reports for development applications in regard to bushfire hazards, assists in forming the backbone of David’s extensive industry background in fire safety and bushfire safety.

David’s past part time teaching of Advanced Fire Technology at TAFE and as an accredited training instructor with the NSW Rural Fire Service also provides a further substantial practical background to the Company and its services and client training area.

David was one of the first practitioners to instigate and complete the “Graduate Diploma – Design in Bushfire Prone Areas” at the University of Western Sydney. This is the first course specifically designed to meet the needs of the changing legislation in regard to developments within designated bushfire prone lands. The NSW RFS and the FPAA have endorsed the course and both support and register Consultants practicing in this new field. David has been accepted as an accredited Bushfire Alternative Solution Design Consultant.

In 2007 David was awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal for services to the NSW Rural Fire Service. David & BCBHS led the way in being the first to register and apply for the creation of an Australian Standard for a Bushfire Sprayer Standard well before the disastrous Victorian Bushfire occurred. David was appointed on the Standards committee resulting in the provision of AS5414 of 2012. David currently retains a voluntary role within the NSW Rural Fire Service as a ‘Deputy Captain’ in the Hornsby Kuring-gai District and actively prepares and delivers various training packages for members and the local community on bushfire safety.

David currently retains a voluntary role within the NSW Rural Fire Service as a Deputy Captain in the Hornsby Kuring-Gai District and actively prepares and delivers various training packages for members and the local community on bushfire safety.

David was appointed as the first “chair” of the NSW RFS Marine Fire Fighting and Capability Group, a position he still holds today. The group is responsible for all marine firefighting equipment, training and fire boat design for the NSW Rural Fire Service across NSW.